our name

The name “Red Line Engineering” pays homage to the many mentors that invested in my growth as a Professional Engineer and as a person. I have been blessed to have known and studied under some of the most successful and well respected Professional Engineers our world has ever known. I had the privilege of studying under the late Dr. H. Rooney Malcom, Jr at North Carolina State University, then earning my Professional Engineering License under the tutelage, guidance and encouragement of the late George E. Freeman, PE, PLS. Through this, I have learned that excellence is not an accident; excellence must be planned, calculated, and demanded, but never compromised. To the many late nights spent “red lining” plans and specifications with my mentor, the name Red Line Engineering is a constant reminder that design is an iterative process and that excellence does not happen by accident.

Our Mission

Faith, Family & Friendship are probably three of the most important values and driving forces in our lives. Unfortunately, those are the three areas we often sacrifice the most due to the demands of our careers. In 2007, Red Line Engineering was founded with the goal of creating a place where work-life balance was not just a slogan or poster on the wall but a value molded into the very fabric of the organization. We should not have to sacrifice the things we love, for the things we must do. As tempting as it may be to place our value and worth in the two letters at the end of our name, we all have a greater purpose in this life. We have a heavenly Father that loves us and desires a relationship with us. We have families that adore, root and sustain us and we have friends to encourage us along the way. Being Professional Engineers is simply the way we choose to use our God-given gifts and talents to make the world a better place.